about us...
APSG was established in 1977 and have provided care and education to multiple generations of young children within their community since then. We offer support to new parents and their children in our Baby & Toddler Group, allow two-year olds to gain independence and have a great time in our 2’s group, and enable our three to five year old pre-schoolers to develop the friendships and life skills that will last a lifetime.

what we stand for...
Aims - to keep every child safe & nurtured by providing an inclusive,
home from home environment. To deliver individual care by
understanding the holistic development of the child. To provide quality
experiences indoors and outdoors, taking the lead from the child’s play.
Promote – outdoor learning, risk taking, social skills, curiosity, self-
exploration and the rights of the child. To promote healthy eating by
providing children healthy food in relaxed eating moments.
Strength – our professional, passionate staff, strive to develop their
knowledge and understanding. Building positive relationships with
families, children and the community. Ensuring the environment is rich
and stimulating.
Grow – encouraging our children to be independent, resilient, empathic
and have an understanding of the world around them. Building on the
skills they will need for life and thrive.