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the APSG team.

We’re so proud of our wonderful team of staff, who take such good care of our children. They are well qualified and receive regular training as well as working towards higher childcare qualifications. Between them they have recently received training in Paediatric Emergency First Aid, Child Protection, Managing Behaviour, Effective Risk Management, Food Hygiene, Speech & Language, GDPR, Infection Control, Thinking & Talking Floor Books, Schemas and Observations, Outdoor First Aid Training, Froebelian learning, and Early Years in Nature courses. They all work to maintain your children’s records, share their activities with you in person and through sharing photos, and carefully planning the themes and activities that the children with enjoy and learn so much from.

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© Auchenblae Pre-school Group 2022

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Auchenblae Pre-School Group Scottish Registered Charity No. SCO21752

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